Our work in food and nutrition with customers, businesses and communities across our geographies seeks to meet the need for increased production of higher quality food across the continent.
The transformation of Africa’s rural on-farm and non-farm economies has driven the emergence of local food industries and processing facilities, but there has also been a more profound shift towards food for enjoyment, rather than necessity, driven by the rise of Africa’s middle class.
Today, Africa’s food industry encompasses dairy, sauces, soups, biscuits and confectionary and we offer solutions that enable individuals and communities to enjoy locally produced foods, aligned with Solevo’s food safety standards throughout production, rather than being reliant on imports.
We support a range of SMEs and multinational companies across the region, by supplying products and solutions. Together with our principals and suppliers, we formulate and provide technical assistance for solutions, both from the customer laboratories or our own application labs.
At Solevo Group, we offer a wide range of ingredients and inputs for uses in :
Our products can be categorized in the following key applications :
- Preservatives
- Taste Enhancers
- Sweeteners
- Colorants
- Enzymes & Process Aids
- Filter Aids
- Stabilizers
- Treatments
- Concentrates
Our Partners Include
Animal Nutrition
As a core building block to improved human nutrition across Africa, our work in non-domestic animal nutrition, focuses on poultry, where we offer high quality ingredients as ready mixed solutions, alongside additives for broader feed production and development.
Given the risks to food safety arising in this market segment, many of our products are aligned with the development of food safety standards across Africa, through toxin binders or salmonella inhibitors, to safeguard all products going upstream to ensure that the feed itself will not carry and cultivate diseases.
At Solevo Group, we focus on ingredients and inputs for uses in :
We also focus on inputs and solutions across key areas including:
- Concentrates & premixes
- Amino acids
- Minerals
- Disinfectants
- Additives
Our Partners Include
Our other business segments
Our solutions and value-add services across Africa’s agricultural sector seek to support an improvement in revenues for farmers and enhance productivity across the continent’s entire agricultural ecosystem.
The exponential growth of FMCG across Africa has driven new demand for packaging – from cardboard boxes to food packing solutions – across all consumer goods channels.
Personal Care and Hygiene
Major shifts in the demand profile for hygiene products – from personal care to home and laundry – are accelerating as a result of the rapid evolution in Africa’s demographics and urban centres.
Water Treatment
Across Africa, the development of essential water and wastewater structures is a core priority for all stakeholders – governments, investors and corporate actors.
CASE & Construction
The fabric of the construction environment across Africa is undergoing dynamic transformation, with rapid urbanisation, demographic growth, a need for housing and critical infrastructure.
Mining & Energy
As Africa’s dynamic transformation continues, the opportunity for extractive industries, minerals and ores is evolving rapidly, but there is also a need for energy as a building block for growing economies.